About cosmetic tattoo services, news and advances in the world of permanent makeup

Wishing you all a Happy New Year

A happy prosperous, wise and wonderful New Year to you all!

What a year!  I have met the most delightful and interesting men and women this year, full of beautiful spirit and happy to share stories and insights.  They have walked out of my Gilston clinic with new semi-permanent make-up that will make their every day life or morning make-up routine so much easier.

Gone will be the awkward, frustrating and time-consuming pressure of trying to even up asymmetrical  eyebrows, of knowing that lipstick is going to disappear by morning coffee, and eyeliner that is going to smudge amongst the mascara.  In comes the soft, gentle look of natural lips, eyebrows to celebrate over, and eyeliner that most definitely changes and accentuates your eyes and improves the face.

I have seen swapping over the years of make-up trends and accommodate as much as possible.  We at Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo prefer to give a more natural brow with panache that you may dramatize to your heart’s desire whenever you wish.  Styles do change  – at some stage.  Happily cosmetic tattoo does fade over time, which allows you to revisit style and colour as your own attitude and preferences re-wire.

Wings, flicks and upswept eye-liner are on a lot of women’s desire list. Variations from brilliant black are also apparent. The great thing about black or dark permanent eyeliner is that you merely add the purple hues that are in right now. Your first tattoo make-up at Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo  has already shaped and re-defined your eyes. Sweeping eyeliner and wings may be added from day to day, or permanently created if that’s what you want so much.  One needs to be mindful again, and we will for you – that as skin ages, the up-sweeps will level out and heaven forbid, may sink without intervention.

With all that said, remember to look at our specials and if you are at the ‘sure, but not sure enough stage’ – consultations are always free.  Jess continues to give the minkiest luxury lash treatment at special prices (following tattoo make-up).  It’s another way to make life elegant and simple. Enough said!

Happy New Year, and may your dreams for your self, your loved ones, and those in need, come true for 2015.



semi-tattoo eyes & brows

Mobile: +61 7 (0) 410 411 511

E-mail: Click here for contact form

semi-tattoo eyes & brows
semi-tattoo eyes & brows

Cosmetic tattoo known as Permanent Makeup or more accurately Semi-Permanent makeup, Micro-pigmentation and Colour Implantation is the process of implanting natural iron oxide or titanium dioxide pigments or and natural vegetable pigments into the dermal (middle) layer of the skin.

Cosmetic Tattoo is a long lasting beauty treatment which is effective for up to 8 years and often a lot longer depending on the individual.

At Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo there are new and exciting shades of pigments available, although stunning pure black still seems to be a favourite for eyes. We service all parts of the Gold Coast, Brisbane and in between.