
When we want Natural…

The most sought after look in the business of Cosmetic and Medical tattoo is a a flawless natural look. Natural is not always required though. A soft velvety lip tattoo is an amazing look or a darker blush ideally works with a previously weak or non lip-line.

With fashion being just that, ‘Fashion’ you cannot go wrong with a natural individual hair-stroked (feathered) brow procedure. Natural vegetable pigments from the U.S. consistently give a great look that gradually fades as all tattoo does, but minus the odd residue we sometimes see on friends and strangers.

Once you have a great pair of brows, you may play them up till your heart’s content. The same goes for eye-liner, exaggerated wings and flicks can be whipped on for special events. Tattooed on…I can tell you from experience the ‘extras’ can drop as we age. Panic not! Tattoo removal here at Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo is the answer.

Once lip tattoo is within the lip membrane, healed and at it’s final stage of transformation, you may wear any lip colour if and when you choose.

We use excellent brands of pigments for different purposes.

Phone us for a chat if you like. Questions welcomed.

