Pre-cosmetic tattoo essentials…
Holidays remind you that semi-permanent makeup is such a good idea! Sometimes the thought has been on the mind for years and suddenly, yes now is the time to just do it! It’s what I hear from my clients as they ask for a ‘now’ appointment for cosmetic tattoo.
It’s a good plan to arrive with a book or magazine, or anything to occupy you, as your brow or lip area will soon have on that (very good) topical anaesthetic. I like to leave the numbing crème on the skin for at least 25 minutes. It’s so beautiful and tranquil here on the edge of the Hinterland, you will soon relax.
Let me know if you have any questions or worries at all – preferably before your appointment. All you have to do now is settle and relax. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding though, I would ask you to leave this session for a few months. It’s also important to let me know of any medications or herbal products you are taking. It’s for your own well-being. Even asprin or alcohol can incur more bleed than is necessary during a treatment, so best to avoid these or other blood thinners for 24hrs beforehand. An hour or so at the gym promotes blood flow so wait till after your tattoo-makeup. It will be worth the extra care and will help you retain your cosmetic tattoo.
Having eye-liner tattoo? Have a friend drive, or stay longer with your cold pack on here. Make sure your contact lenses are safe at home and wear eye glasses instead before and after your eyeliner tattoo procedure. Remember it is tattoo!
If you have ever had a cold sore (in your lifetime) please do take advised precautions. Almost certainly you will have an outbreak to some degree, as tattoo does initially traumatize the skin. See your doctor for an antiviral prescription a week before your appointment. The pharmacy also carries crème and tabs that will help for sure. Zovirax crème (and others) and Lysine makes lip tattoo a lot more comfortable too.
Dermal fillers such as Restylane Perlane and Juvederm tend to release pigment earlier than necessary so I would either have this procedure done several months prior or after micro-pigmentation.
These are a few of the more obvious precautions, so do feel free to discuss and chat, and question!
Cheers, and happy holidaying,