November – Start gently…
Many of you are opting for lash enhancement as an alternative to eyeliner tattoo. What is the difference you ask? Lash enhancement is cosmetic tattoo placed between or through the lashes. It gives the barest essential look to eyes by making the lashes appear fuller and thicker. Two procedures are essential. The second procedure being done as always, two to eight weeks after the first. Whilst darkest shades are usual for this procedure, there are many subtle shades that work in harmony with skin, hair and eyes.
Every skin is unique, so adhere to after-care advice that will be important to your outcome. Women love the natural look of lash enhancement, especially if they enjoy good skin and the ‘no makeup’ look.
Having said that, so often clients have high hopes that eyebrow or eyeliner micro-pigmentation is going to be the solution or at least a distraction from tired skin, lines and sagging.
While a clear well designed brow freshens the face, eyeliner or lash enhancement can highlight your eyes. But if the skin is showing age, the effect is not going to be as complete and successful as it could be.
We are finding more clients are asking for the plasma fibroblast procedure to work as a complement to cosmetic tattoo.
It has the ability to help by lifting skin around the eyes and freshening and tightening up areas that may be showing the passing years.