Lashy Eyeliner
It all started when we at Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo were seeing some beautiful results with our clients with Alopecia. What they wanted was cosmetic tattoo hair-strokes for their brows. The sort that you want to get really close to, to see if they have real hair; and eyeliner that took attention right away from bare lids. We were pleased with a cosmetic tattoo brushed eyeliner that gave a wide (as you like) beautiful liner that looked shaded and lashy.
On the second session the brushed look was amplified particularly for individuals with Alopecia but also for ladies who just loved the look. More and more we found we were using the cosmetic tattoo brushed eyeliner procedure.
Prices have stayed the same for first session semi-permanent makeup and again two to eight weeks later when colour is blanketed through and stylized especially to suit you.
Phone Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo for appointments from late July.
Have a fun and interesting month.