Complete Eyeliners $200 off for AUGUST
Every woman has adorable eyes, and women know that well. This fact is apparent when ladies tell me how they want their eyeliner. This careful description tells me a lot about personality. The eyes they want are so true to their personality that they deserve the enhancement they seek, with semi-permanent makeup.
Women are so fastidious about the shape, colour and thickness of their eyeliner that it becomes very much a part of them. So much so that when the makeup is wiped off (pre-cosmetic tattoo) the difference is so huge that they will not venture out the door until it’s on! We all have our foibles and after all we are human as well. I’ve always maintained that the best reason is the pure and simple convenience of cosmetic makeup. Remember the client’s husband who said “I’d have this beard permanently off if I could”. It’s that practical, apart from looking awesome!
During the month of August, you may if you wish, have a complete eyeliner makeup tattoo with $200 off the finished work. We have some lovely colours and a new and wonderful tattoo numbing creme and gel for your before and during comfort. Look for testimonials in August referring to the above please.
Another service we are offering from now is after surgery Areola and Nipple tattooing. This is done with a 3-Dimentional Areola tattoo technique.
This service is FREE. The difference in the look of the breast after this work, is uncannily real, with shading under part of the nipple to complete the 3-dimentional look. The total delight and satisfaction of once breast cancer patients is a wonderful experience for all of us.
Do not hesitate for a moment to phone to find out more about Areola tattoo.
Have a great August in 2011.