About cosmetic tattoo services, news and advances in the world of permanent makeup


So you have decided to see what all the fuss is over the sensible, classy and time-saving procedures of cosmetic tattoo. Following, are a few pre-appointment tips so you can be happily prepared.

Cosmetic tattoo is also known as semi-permanent makeup, micro-pigmentation, tattoo makeup, makeup tattoo, eyebrow embroidery, and sometimes permanent makeup.

With all cosmetic tattoo, we give at least a 2hr time slot and 2 or 3 procedures may be done at one appointment.

It’s a good idea to leave the gym or any workout for after your session or better still, the next morning. Pumped up circulation can make you more susceptible to bleeding and even bruising. Come in cool and relaxed where you will be able to relax even more in our clinic.

Aspirin, alcohol, and fish oils are some of the more obvious blood thinners not to take before a cosmetic tattoo procedure.


Refrain from waxing or tinting for 2 days prior to treatment if possible. Electrolysis or other treatments do a week earlier to treatment.


Do not wear your contact lenses, and not for 24hrs afterwards. Do save your lash extension appointment until after your eyeliner or tattoo lash enhancement procedure (to ensure full coverage). Do not use eyelash curlers on the day of the procedure please, and tinting and perming of lashes, at least 2 days prior. Wait several weeks after any type of eye surgery. Ask your surgeon or doctor how long specifically. The area will be already swollen from operations such as blepharoplasty, and cataract and need plenty of time in themselves for healing.


If you have ever, ever had a cold sore you will need an antiviral prescription. You can take a course of L-lysine prior, during and after your lipline, lipline and blend or full lip cosmetic tattoo. Trilex caps with L-lysine, Famvir and Zovirax are excellent options.

‘Free form Lysine’ is another option, hydrogen peroxide will reduce cold sores if they do appear, as does black tea bags (the tannins help soreness and dry up sores or blisters).

Any fillers for lips e.g. restylane and collagen need at least a 3 week rest before cosmetic tattoo lip procedures. However, I would rather see you several months after these appointments.

Any recent lip or mouth surgery, recent infections of the mouth and sinus infections too, require a written all-clear from your doctor please.

I do recommend a lip block, or numbing injections for lip work. This means you don’t feel a thing and the work is done very easily for an extra $40. Otherwise we do have up to the minute brilliant  anesthetics on hand.

It’s all worth it.

Next month I shall talk about after care, but right now have a look at our ‘special page’.

Hope to see you soon,



semi-tattoo eyes & brows

Mobile: +61 7 (0) 410 411 511

E-mail: Click here for contact form

semi-tattoo eyes & brows
semi-tattoo eyes & brows

Cosmetic tattoo known as Permanent Makeup or more accurately Semi-Permanent makeup, Micro-pigmentation and Colour Implantation is the process of implanting natural iron oxide or titanium dioxide pigments or and natural vegetable pigments into the dermal (middle) layer of the skin.

Cosmetic Tattoo is a long lasting beauty treatment which is effective for up to 8 years and often a lot longer depending on the individual.

At Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo there are new and exciting shades of pigments available, although stunning pure black still seems to be a favourite for eyes. We service all parts of the Gold Coast, Brisbane and in between.