There’s been a rush on for cosmetically tattooed eyebrows lately. Happily some of my client’s are falling asleep during the procedure. Here at Gentle Cosmetic Tattoo the massage bed is ultra comfy, and extra warm. We in Queensland are a bit shy of the cold!

After you have read through and signed the paperwork you will just want to lie back and let me tidy and design eyebrows that are just right for you.

 Some of you will come in with thin brows and blame over plucking or waxing at an earlier age. Actually, worn and sparse brows are often a result of hypothyroidism. Very often health and hormone issues need a check over and recovery will be made over time with diet, vitamins and traditional medication and/or natural supplements.

However, in the meantime, micro-pigmentation is the choice of beauty action. Most of my clients say they have been thinking of having tattoo makeup for years. Why the procrastination? Usually it is simply fear of the unknown – how much will it hurt and will they be right, you ask.

Correcting shape and colour of brows makes a terrific difference to one’s face. Some of my Asian clients have wonderfully soft browns stroked into their brows. This softens and literally shifts years off the face. Fair women may require soft blonds or graceful browns. Grey haired ladies have grey/blonds or taupes. Cool and warm, light and dark shades, are matched to suit Brunettes and Blonds alike.

Pain? Most clients expect pain and invariably say micropigmentation here feels like they are having hairs plucked from their brows. A curious sensation, discomfort maybe, but generally not painful. With our topical anaesthetics and relaxation, there is mostly disbelief the cosmetic tattoo process has begun! This is how it should be.

It’s nice to have a mirror handy as well and this gives my patient loads of confidence.

Today my beautiful young mum (actually not that young) exclaimed how sexy she looked.

She did too.

Have a look at our excellent prices and remember all consultations are free.

All the best for August,




It’s always fun when you decide for sure ‘this is the day’ to have a semi-permanent tattoo procedure. It’s taken you sooo long and now your mum or sister or friend, or the new girl in the office is quietly showing off  the best cosmetic tattoo you have seen.

So, when you arrive for your procedure which will take about two hours; do make  sure you have remembered about the ‘no alcohol’ the night before. This is for your own good as alcohol has a nasty habit of thinning the blood, which encourages your skin to bleed. We can handle that with our creams but it is amazing how the body reacts to such things. Aspirin is another, and some of your medications possibly. Let your doctor know what you are planning, to organise a ‘go ahead’.

Sometimes my clients like to tell me at the time of consultation that they are pregnant, breastfeeding, going scuba diving or tramping or back to hospital the following day. It’s great that our consultations are free because I would have to advise to see me again when all this isn’t happening.

Now, everyone is a little nervous or maybe just excited/nervous. That is another reason why I consider a consultation at the beginning of the work great for piece of mind. It’s wonderful to have such personalized service, and that you feel confident of what happens at the time of the procedure . Remember, you are not obliged to have cosmetic tattoo.

On the morning or afternoon of your appointment, make sure you are well hydrated and not hungry. You may of course have refreshments here and will more than likely be offered a cup of tea or coffee (or beautiful water).

The gym or frantic physical activity isn’t the best just before micro-pigmentation, as again it encourages blood circulation. A rested blood circulation always helps, and once you are on my super beauty table you’ll be happy to relax some more.

Just two last points which I often forget; wear your comfy clothes, preferably black, or at least something you don’t mind the odd spot of pigment on. Cosmetic tattoo can be a little messy.

There is seating and shade just outside the clinic for a friend or companion but  not inside the work room.  The surrounds are exquisitely beautiful here, so there is every chance to chill out.

So with all this in mind, relax and make your phone call to book, chat or have a free consultation.

All the best for July,
